Tag: apps
7 Best Graphic & Infographic Design Apps and Websites
Graphics can make even the most mundane information reach out and grab the reader’s attention. Keep your students, colleagues, and peers engaged by creating memorable infographics and visual elements with these easy-to-use tools. 1. Canva (iOS, Android, Web) Canva allows for quick, powerful designs accessible from multiple devices via cloud storage. 2. Easel.ly (Web) Easel.ly offers a multitude of starting infographic templates that you can […]
Jan 9, 2018

7 Note Taking Apps: Pitch the Pen and Paper!
Keeping convenient, easily accessible notes can be a difficult task. Notebooks and papers are forgotten or lost while pens and pencils run dry or break. As luck often has it, times when you have a great idea are times you find yourself without the tools to jot it down. Many note taking applications eliminate these […]
Sep 14, 2017

Technology has put a wealth of information at our fingertips (literally). Smart devices have become powerful education tools. There are thousands of academic apps that can be streamed easily to these devices; however, deciding which app to incorporate into your curriculum might be overwhelming. According to Learning in Hand, an effective app is one that does what […]
May 1, 2017

Spotlight Article What does it mean to “think critically,” especially in the context of health science? It is becoming apparent that education in this field is needing to shift from content memorization to the processes of thought itself, creating a need for the understanding of its methods. This article takes a look at critical thinking and breaks the methodology […]
Apr 12, 2017

Article Plus 5 – November 2016
Spotlight Article The non-traditional student and relationship with online learning technology is becoming more and more prevalent in education today. However, some institutions are having some resistance when it comes to fully embracing the idea of online classrooms. Read this paper about overcoming these barriers, specifically at an American university in Lebanon. Article specifics: El Turk, […]
Nov 8, 2016

Spotlight Article What is distributed medical education, and how is it changing the professional landscape beyond the classroom? By reading this article, you’ll learn about the powerful effects that come from the scope of this alternative curriculum method. Have you felt its effects firsthand in your career as a faculty member or educator? Article specifics: […]
Oct 11, 2016

Spotlight Article Interprofessional collaboration is a big part of health education, but how do faculty members actually feel about its implementation? Because there has not been much research done on the topic, this study was conducted. See what the response was from health care faculty in Nebraska. Article specifics: Beck Dallaghan, Gary L. et al. Faculty attitudes about […]
Jul 10, 2016

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