Tag: feedback
THRIVE: Success strategies for the modern-day faculty member
A new resource is available to help faculty succeed! THRIVE is a collection of more than 50 ideas for fast, focused professional development, created by experts across UNMC — the people who walk in your shoes. One- to two-page briefs were designed to be absorbed and implemented immediately in your work as an educator, clinician, […]
Oct 16, 2019

5 Time-Saving Tips that Boost Student Learning
For educators, it may often feel like there is just not enough time in a day to get things done. Juggling grading, student interactions, scholarly work, feedback, and keeping up-to-date in field developments are a few of many day-to-day responsibilities in a teacher’s life — and that’s just outside the classroom! On Faculty Focus, Maryellen […]
May 2, 2018

Coaching: Developing Faculty and Academic Talent
COACHING for peak professional performance is making a strong appearance in academic health science organizations. But, use of the word coaching can be confusing with so many applications including life coaching, academic coaching, and peer coaching. The following infographic offers a snapshot of the defining features of TALENT DEVELOPMENT COACHING. Talent coaching is an investment in […]
Oct 10, 2017

Wednesday Wisdom: 9 Tips to Avoid Course Design Failure
You put a lot of effort into creating your course content, but all that could be in vain if your Learning Management System (LMS) — the way the information is delivered to students — isn’t designed well. If done correctly, your LMS can help students stay engaged with you, the content, and each other, rather than wasting […]
Jun 14, 2017

Six Simple Ways to “Activate” Your Lecture
Many instructors have heard about “active learning” and likely at some point been implored to incorporate it into their teaching. The term often engenders images of large scale group activities, use of tools that take a great deal of effort to create, or things that are time intensive. At its simplest, “Active Learning” is anything […]
Jan 23, 2017

Arguably, one of the most essential functions and skills for any teacher in health science education is giving learner feedback. These 5 feedback facts can help make your feedback for more impactful: FEEDBACK is not advice, praise, or evaluation. FEEDBACK is information about how we are doing in our efforts to reach a goal. (~Grant Wiggins) […]
Oct 17, 2016

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