Tag: Faculty Development
Give Learners Better Guided Notes for Recall and Retention
Teachers can better coach students on the science of learning and memory by using simple guided notes. Try this strategy while students are coming in to class, following a learning unit, or provide for use whenever students think they need it. You can also coach students on how and why to create their own guided notes. […]
Mar 24, 2017

Getting Students and Residents to THINK
Here are two favorite resources to engage students and residents in a different and creative way – beyond books, journal articles, and facts—to develop thinking, observation, and richer perspectives on the art and practice of healing, health, and wellness. Pulse: Voices from the Heart of Medicine Pulse has an extensive collection of personal accounts of […]
Jan 5, 2017

7 challenges for clinical educators to CONQUER
Clinical educators can derail in 7 key ways in the clinical setting. Carry this list with you as a reminder: 1. Set clear LEARNING OBJECTIVES and EXPECTATIONS. 2. Teach at the correct LEVEL 3. Focus on PROBLEM SOLVING not fact memorization. 4. Engage learners in ACTIVE DIALOGUE. “Telling” is not learning. 5. Observe and give […]
Oct 18, 2016

Arguably, one of the most essential functions and skills for any teacher in health science education is giving learner feedback. These 5 feedback facts can help make your feedback for more impactful: FEEDBACK is not advice, praise, or evaluation. FEEDBACK is information about how we are doing in our efforts to reach a goal. (~Grant Wiggins) […]
Oct 17, 2016

Fast, Easy Gaming in Health Science Ed
Adding GAMING to the classroom setting can re-energize learning. But, do you feel like you don’t have a lot of time to create something cool? Create fun learning in minutes (not weeks) that works on any device with an internet connection with KAHOOT–oh yeah, it’s FREE! With KAHOOT you can enrich your challenge questions with […]
Sep 22, 2016

Are your fears getting in the way of trying blended learning? Here are some ways to put your top 3 fears to rest and start using blended learning approaches this year: Fear of the unknown? With more interactivity in the blended learning classroom, teachers often fear less control in the learning environment. However faculty who […]
Sep 19, 2016

5 Engagement Activities for Lecture Sessions
With all the recent conversation on campus and in the medical education literature about active learning and student engagement, we can easily be overwhelmed with terminology, confused by what is considered best practice, and paralyzed by fear of incorporating a new technique into our teaching. Here are five quick tips for incorporating an active learning […]
Sep 13, 2016

Someone Like Me: A Look at Our Unconscious Biases
Use this captivating TED video to enrich your teaching discussions about unconscious bias in our work and world. Then, join UNMC’s Faculty Development dialogue on June 8, 2017, where we will examine how fast-brain thinking can impact how you respond to people and situations.
Aug 3, 2016

Rethink Your Views on Virtual Reality
We are just in the infancy of the vast potential of Virtual Reality (VR) in the arts and medicine. Chris Milk uses innovative technologies to make personal, interactive, human stories. He says what is special about VR is, “In all other mediums, your consciousness interprets the medium. In VR, your consciousness is the medium.” Take part in […]
Aug 1, 2016

Best Books on the Science of Learning
Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning by Peter Brown, Henry L. Roediger III, and Mark McDaniel Drawing on recent discoveries in cognitive psychology and other disciplines, the authors offer concrete techniques for becoming more productive learners. This book explains why and how techniques like spaced repetition support better retained learning. It also describes how “illusions of […]
Jul 20, 2016

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