Tag: Faculty Development
10 Habits for Career Success in Health Professions Education
The start of the academic year is the perfect time to re-evaluate and re-scope our career goals. Work on one of the following tasks every month throughout the school year, or use them as a guide to engage with a peer mentoring group to push everyone further, faster. What are you doing to re-evaluate and […]
Sep 28, 2020

Infographic: Leading Beyond Your Level of Current Competence
Getting promoted usually brings to light a few areas in your job skills that need improvement. Here are three steps to excel in your new career.
Jun 24, 2020

Infographic: Let Your Data Speak for Itself – Data Visualization Tips for Success
Data visualization is the graphical representation of information. It reduces large, complicated chucks of data into easily digestible visuals. Data visualization also allows you to comprehend information rapidly and easily find trends, patterns, and outliers. In addition, visualized data can hold audience interest longer, promote engagement and increase the retention of key concepts. Design for […]
Mar 11, 2020

Infographic: Managing Multiple Generations in Today’s Environment
For the first time in human history, there are four generations regularly interacting, making our workplaces and educational spaces truly intergenerational. Based on varied formative experiences, generational preferences, and perspectives, each generation has their own set of expectations for professional interactions. Here’s a brief infographic to help explain each generations personality (view a printable version of […]
Dec 10, 2019

Infographic: Harness the Power of Design Thinking to Retool How You Solve Problems
Many of the changes and challenges facing modern day health care and its systems cannot be solved with strictly linear or analytical approaches. Health care professionals and leaders are required to exercise different kinds of thinking for better outcomes. >> Download a printable version of this infographic.
Nov 12, 2019

Infographic: Signs You’re on the Road to Experiencing the Imposter Phenomenon
High achievers radiate confidence. But lurking behind that self-assurance can be a feeling of inadequacy. Why? Because when you hold yourself to unrealistic or unsustainable standards, you leave yourself open to feeling like a fraud, or an imposter. If you answer “yes” to any of these questions, you may be on the road to experiencing […]
Nov 5, 2019

Infographic: How to Be a Supermentee
Having a mentor isn’t enough – you, the mentee, have to invest in the partnership to make sure you get the most out of it. Check out this infographic to see what a mentee’s role needs to be (view a printable version of this infographic). >> Download a printable version of this infographic.
Oct 22, 2019

Infographic: Leveraging Social Media Using a #VisualAbstract to Disseminate Research
#VisualAbstracts are often shared on social media to summarize research in a short, pictographic format. The goal is to highlight key findings and attract readers to access the full article. Check out this infographic to see how easy it is to create your own #VisualAbstract (view a printable version of the infographic): >> Download a printable […]
Oct 4, 2019

Infographic: Tips for Graceful Self-Promotion
Have you ever missed an opportunity because you were nervous about introducing yourself? Many people have unhelpful pre-conceived notions about self-promotion, thinking it’s shameful or boastful. But self-promotion is a necessary and worthwhile activity for meeting new people and achieving your career goals. Here’s an infographic on how to promote yourself gracefully and confidently. About […]
Oct 9, 2018

Infographic: Join the Resistance Against Microaggression
Practicing microresistance is the best way to combat microaggression and foster a safe and inclusive environment for all. Check out this infographic to find out how to take a stand against microaggression using the A.C.T.I.O.N. method. Download a printable version
Aug 14, 2018

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